Social Media

5 Ways to Connect with Your Customers on a New Level

Here are a few simple ways that you can put the social back into your social media marketing to start connecting with your audience on a whole new level.

5 Ways to Put “Social” Back into Social Media Marketing

These days, social media marketing (SMM) isn’t just an option, it’s a necessity. Understanding the importance of this marketing strategy and mastering it are two different things. It’s not enough to just set up profiles and create accounts on various platforms. To get the most out of your social media program, you have to find a way to put the “social” back into it. The good news is, this isn’t as hard as you may think. Here are a few simple ways that you can put the social back into your social media marketing to start connecting with your target audience on a whole new level.


1) Choose an Appropriate Social Media Team:

Social media marketing is one of the most important components of your marketing strategy. Don't leave your strategy to the youngest, newest or “most hip” employees, even if it seems that this is the easiest solution. Empower your social media team to be the public face of your organization. Make sure the members of your social media team are professional, yet personable. Your team should represent your brand in the most positive light possible. An experienced employee will be a much better representative than an intern who knows little about the company.


2) Be Human:


Give your customers someone real to connect with. Give your customers someone real to connect with.

The most important thing to remember when it comes to social media marketing is that you are targeting real people. This can be easy to forget when you're staring at a computer screen and seeing a bunch of random avatars. Remember that there are people behind those pictures and profiles. People who want to connect with other humans, not just a big brand or logo. Give your customers someone real to connect with. Be yourself. Share stories. Ask questions. Respond. When your audience is able to connect faces and personalities with a brand, they'll be more likely to refer others.


3) Make a Commitment:

Your social marketing efforts won't be as effective if they're just an afterthought, or a tool that you utilize some of the time. You must make a commitment to keep your social presence active and consistent. Your audience will be much more likely to share your brand with others if they know you are an active presence that they can rely on.


4) Figure Out What Your Audience Wants and Then Give it to Them:

The best content in the world won’t do you any good if it’s not addressing the needs of your target audience. Take the time to learn what your followers are interested in and give it to them. Analyze previous content to see what garnered the best response, or better yet – just ask! Your customer service group is in the trenches talking with customers every single day. Tap into their first-hand knowledge to create content that will engage your audience. This type of content improves the chance of social sharing.


5) Listen and Respond:

Show your audience that you are there and are captivated by what they have to say. Respond to comments and questions that come in via your social networks. Do not ignore negative comments. Respond in a positive manner to resolve problems as quickly and effectively as possible. This shows both prospects and existing customers that you are not just a big name. Real people represent your brand. They care about providing the best level of service available.


Follow these 5 tips and you'll be on your way to putting the "social" back into Social Media Marketing.

Let us know in the comments how you humanize your social media marketing efforts.

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