Referral Marketing Blog - Referral Tips & Strategies - Ambassador

New Leadership, New Vision - A New Day For Ambassador

Written by Geoff McDonald | Jun 24, 2021 9:01:37 PM
"The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated."  - Mark Twain


It's a new day at Ambassador. 

On behalf of the entire team at i2 Holdings, I am thrilled to announce our acquisition of the world’s leading customer advocacy platform. The rumors are true - Ambassador Software is here to stay.

A true pioneer in the industry, Ambassador’s disruptive technology literally helped redefine best practices in running effective referral, influencer, partner and affiliate marketing campaigns. It is in that spirit of leadership and disruption we look to the future of the brand and the limitless potential before us. 


We started i2 in 2019, fed up with the SaaS solutions available for the bottom of the revenue funnel. Simply put, there are too many tools out there that just don’t do enough to get the job done. There is no single platform that allows marketers to take full control of their engagement, retention, and advocacy programs in a way that prioritizes personalization and timeliness. The current hodge-podge of solutions means time wasted, money left on the table, and opportunities missed. 


No company, be it a small startup or a multinational corporation, can continue to neglect this critical stage in achieving sustainable revenue. Our goal is to build the first true end-to-end solution for brands seeking to unlock the incredible potential of their customer relationships. 


The relationship marketing industry demands more. Our customers deserve more. And we intend to deliver just that. 


With Ambassador as our flagship, we are one major step closer to reaching our goal. In the coming weeks and months you will see a new Ambassador - one that is sleek, efficient, focused, and modern. Ambassador will be a platform that overcomes economic and cultural barriers to service a global market no matter the size of your company - scaling with any stage of your company and empowering your brand with a digital army of advocates - by maximizing personalization in retention and engagement. 


We’ll be rolling out new features focused on engagement and retention through innovation in machine learning technologies. Our customers will enjoy a more streamlined user experience while benefiting from opportunities through truly actionable and impactful insights. We believe that these investments will help us to not just rise to the demands of the marketplace, but shatter its expectations.  


Our team is very proud to be re-investing in the legacy of Ambassador and, once again, redefining customer relationship marketing.