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Using Social Media to Generate and Nurture Leads

Written by Fadi George | Mar 25, 2014 2:57:00 PM

Using Social Media to Generate and Nurture Leads

If you’re looking for a way to reach more customers, there’s no doubt about it. Social media is the way to go. Digital marketing giant eMarketer estimates that social media platforms boast over 1.73 billion users worldwide. A number that’s expected to climb to 2.55 billion by the year 2017.

What’s more, according to a recent Nielson study, 46% of consumers turn to social media to help with purchasing decisions. This means that your prospects are most certainly out there, and they’re relying on the social aspect of the web more and more to help them decide who to do business with. So, how can you tap into this incredible opportunity to gain more leads for your own business? Let’s take a look.


Pick Your Poison

It’s important to point out that while there are dozens of social media platforms to choose from, you don’t have to participate in all of them. To the contrary, successful social media marketing is all about consistency, and if you’ve got too many pans on the fire, you’re sure to get burned out quickly. More importantly, you won’t get the results you’re looking for.

The key is to figure out which platforms your target audience is most likely to use – whether that’s Facebook, Twitter, Google+ or something else - and then focus on mastering those areas.


Generating Leads

Once you’ve chosen your main avenues for social media marketing, it’s time to roll up your sleeves and generate those leads. There are dozens of ways to approach SMM and many of them are highly successful. Here are a few ways to help you get started.


Create Content of Value:

If you want people to share their contact information with you, you have to make it worth their while. Focus on creating compelling content that your audience would find valuable, such as topics that address certain pain points and how your product or service can help. Then, create an eye-catching landing page that includes a brief outline of what’s in store, and a user-friendly, simple opt-in form.

Once you’ve done this, the next step is getting the word out. The most amazing content in the world is worth nothing if people don’t know about it. Social media provides the perfect means for drawing prospects in because it is designed to facilitate short, to-the-point communication. You can use these channels to share your content by including a quick, compelling description of what you’re offering, and then a shortened link to the landing page.


Use Calls to Action to Generate Demand (Even if There Isn’t Any):

Ever been shopping online and notice that nagging little “only 3 left” or “almost sold out” next to the item you’re looking at? Suddenly you’re faced with a choice. Either make a purchase decision, risk missing out altogether. This is a great way to close the deal, and it’s something you can use to generate leads for your own business by using social media to create calls to action. When people believe they must act now, or they’ll miss the boat – such as with amazing coupon code that is only good for 48 hours.


Monitor the Buzz about Your Competition:




When you hone in on exactly what people are talking about and what’s trending in relation to your competition, you can create marketing offers that are hyper-focused. For instance, if your prospects are tweeting about a particular competitor’s product or service, follow up by offering a coupon to try yours. You have the advantage of knowing these people are already in the market and interested in what you’ve got to offer, so they’ll be much more likely to convert.


Encourage Reviews:

Never underestimate the influence your existing customers can have over your prospective ones. According to a 2013 study by BrightLocal, 85% of consumers take the time to read through online reviews, including those shared on social media platforms. What’s more, 73% of respondents said that positive online reviews influenced the level of trust they felt for a business. This is why having passionate brand ambassadors is so important. When you can leverage your own happy customers to share their positive experiences with their own social networks, you’ll gain leads without even trying!


Make it Eye-Catching:



Did you know that visual data is processed by the human brain at a rate 60,000 times faster than regular text? It’s no wonder so many smart marketers are tapping into the power of visual communication, and social media provides the perfect avenue to do so. Take video marketing as an example. Research has revealed that 85% of people who view a product video will go on to purchase that product. So, grab your camera, tablet or smartphone and start recording. Then, share your pictures, memes, clips, infographics and videos via all of your social channels. Don’t forget to encourage your network to share.


Nurturing Those Leads:

Now that you’ve got the leads coming in, it’s time to shift into the role of nurturer. Not every lead is ready to convert the moment it comes in. For many, it takes time. You have to build trust and develop a relationship first. Again, social media is the ideal resource for doing so – especially on a grander scale.

The key to successfully nurturing leads through social media is by engaging, engaging, engaging (and then engaging some more). That means:

  • Answering questions
  • Responding to feedback
  • Starting conversations
  • Providing support
  • Joining discussions
  • Letting people see the personality behind your brand

Social media is much more than just a means for establishing and building brand recognition. It is also a powerful tool for generating leads, and for nurturing those leads effectively so that they convert. Follow this guide to generate more leads and more revenue.


Have you had success generating leads from social media? Let us know your favorite tips and tricks in the comments.