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Managing Customer Relationships: How To Show Your Love

Written by Amity Kapadia | Feb 5, 2016 8:35:00 PM

Among the chill of cold calls and flurry of follow-up emails, nothing quite compares to the warm, fuzzy feeling of solidifying a beneficial customer relationship. It takes time to transform a lovely lead into a lifetime customer, so brands must prioritize great customer relationships.

Watch: How to manage customer relationships


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From quick check-ins to long-term collaborations, every customer interaction is valuable and has the potential to help guide the growth of your brand. So how can you develop a customer relationship strategy that is sure to show your customers that you love them? Let us count the ways.

Predict customer behavior

No matter the size of your company, your customers should never feel small. Develop a one-of-a-kind customer relationship by observing and responding to customer behavior. By tracking trends, you should start to be able to predict consumer behavior and be in the right place at the right time. Before scheduling your next email, find out if a certain customer segment is more likely to read email first thing in the morning or right before bed. If you know that a lead is email-averse, don’t hesitate to pick up the phone. Ease of use and convenient content is a treat for any contemporary customer.

Say thank you to improve your customer relationship 

According to the Wharton School of Business, 83% of satisfied customers are willing to refer products and services, but only 29% actually do. Always remember to ask your customers to refer your product or service and never forget to say thank you! Customers have the power to develop one-to-one solutions that can’t be created by your brand alone. Every time a customer regularly and authentically refers your business, send a note of thanks to acknowledge their help.

Reward, reward, reward

Give every customer the chance to become an ambassador for your brand. Providing this unique opportunity shows customers that you trust and respect their relationship with your brand. As you develop a network of ambassadors, show your customers that you appreciate their referrals by rewarding them for singing your praises. You can create meaningful rewards for specific actions and develop programs that reward particular segments of your business.


You can’t affect the bottom line if you don’t keep your patrons, buyers, or subscribers top of mind. And they can’t share their love for you if you don’t give them a way to. So why not add a great referral program to your quarterly to-do list? Our referral marketing experts gathered best practices to create a Valentine's Day Referral Marketing Kit featuring How To Turn Your Customers Into New Revenue eBook, Valentine’s Day Referral Marketing Cheat Sheet, and The Benefits of Referral Marketing white paper. Grab your heart-shaped chocolate box and dive in!